*Advisory Members do not carry a vote and are not able to sit on Club Committees, however are welcome at Club events.
For the purposes of this membership cycle, standard Advisory Member dues will be allocated to the Lincoln Club of Northern California 501(C)(4) to fund membership events and other Club operations.
For your records, the Federal PAC is known as the Lincoln Club of Northern California Federal PAC, FEC ID# C00148882 and State PAC is known as the Lincoln Club of Northern California PAC, ID #820082.The address for both PACs is 455 Capitol Mall, Suite 600 Sacramento, CA 95814. Contributions to the Federal PAC will be used to support federal candidates and are limited to $5,000 per calendar year. Contributions to the State PAC are unlimited, although only the first $6,500 can be used by the PAC to make direct contributions to state candidates. Contributions to the Lincoln Club of Northern California and its PACs are not deductible as charitable contributions. Contributions to the Club may be deductible as a business expense.
Who's donating
Deborah Wilder
Michael Addison
Michael Lempres
Jerry Edelen
Gary Cursio
Gregory Swett
Bob Nunez
Showing 37 reactions
Deborah Wilder donated
2018-12-13 09:47:31 -0800
Michael Addison donated
2018-08-10 14:31:19 -0700
Michael Lempres donated
via Luis Buhler
2018-05-15 17:12:30 -0700
Jerry Edelen donated
2018-05-03 15:41:30 -0700
Gary Cursio donated
2018-03-30 07:04:05 -0700
Gregory Swett donated
via Peter Newman
2018-01-08 15:40:49 -0800
Showing 37 reactions